"Motherhood can be lonely and overwhelming."
Alone is hard.
Together is better.
When our beautiful daughter was 1 year old, my wife and our family suffered a tragedy that we don't talk about it very often. We wanted to setup this page to talk about it with the hope that it helps someone. I think it will help a lot of mothers to keep going too. 

KeepGoingMum.com was created to help new moms solve some of their biggest challenges in motherhood, including:

- Staying connected with yourself separate from your role as a mother.
- Knowing what to do and what activities to play with your baby when life gets tough.
- Keeping the house tidy and cooking with a baby.
- Eliminate fatigue and feel energized so you can KEEP GOING as mum!

Our mission is to empower you to live a happier,  healthier motherhood life. Every mom is feeling exhausted and struggling with lack of energy, we are fixing that.

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